This documentation differs from the official API.
Jadeite adds
extra features to the API including:
variable font sizes,
constructions examples,
placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links.
Additionally it
is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including:
generics type information,
“Deprecated” tags and comments,
“See Also” links,
along with other minor differences.
Please send any questions or feedback to
Class Summary |
AncestorEvent |
An event reported to a child component that originated from an
ancestor in the component hierarchy. |
CaretEvent |
CaretEvent is used to notify interested parties that
the text caret has changed in the event source. |
ChangeEvent |
ChangeEvent is used to notify interested parties that
state has changed in the event source. |
DocumentEvent.EventType |
Enumeration for document event types |
EventListenerList |
A class that holds a list of EventListeners. |
HyperlinkEvent |
HyperlinkEvent is used to notify interested parties that
something has happened with respect to a hypertext link. |
HyperlinkEvent.EventType |
Defines the ENTERED, EXITED, and ACTIVATED event types, along
with their string representations, returned by toString(). |
InternalFrameAdapter |
An abstract adapter class for receiving internal frame events. |
InternalFrameEvent |
An AWTEvent that adds support for
JInternalFrame objects as the event source. |
ListDataEvent |
Defines an event that encapsulates changes to a list. |
ListSelectionEvent |
An event that characterizes a change in selection. |
MenuDragMouseEvent |
MenuDragMouseEvent is used to notify interested parties that
the menu element has received a MouseEvent forwarded to it
under drag conditions. |
MenuEvent |
MenuEvent is used to notify interested parties that
the menu which is the event source has been posted,
selected, or canceled. |
MenuKeyEvent |
MenuKeyEvent is used to notify interested parties that
the menu element has received a KeyEvent forwarded to it
in a menu tree. |
MouseInputAdapter |
An empty implementation of the interface, provided
as a convenience to simplify the task of creating listeners, by extending
and implementing only the methods of interest. |
PopupMenuEvent |
PopupMenuEvent only contains the source of the event which is the JPoupMenu
sending the event |
RowSorterEvent |
RowSorterEvent provides notification of changes to
a RowSorter . |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport |
This subclass of is almost
identical in functionality. |
TableColumnModelEvent |
TableColumnModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table
column model has changed, such as a column was added, removed, or
moved. |
TableModelEvent |
TableModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table model
has changed. |
TreeExpansionEvent |
An event used to identify a single path in a tree. |
TreeModelEvent |
Encapsulates information describing changes to a tree model, and
used to notify tree model listeners of the change. |
TreeSelectionEvent |
An event that characterizes a change in the current
selection. |
UndoableEditEvent |
An event indicating that an operation which can be undone has occurred. |
This documentation differs from the official API.
Jadeite adds
extra features to the API including:
variable font sizes,
constructions examples,
placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links.
Additionally it
is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including:
generics type information,
“Deprecated” tags and comments,
“See Also” links,
along with other minor differences.
Please send any questions or feedback to
This page displays the
Jadeite version of the documention, which is derived from the offical documentation that contains this copyright notice:
The official Sun™ documentation can be found here at