This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to

Package javax.swing.tree

Interface Summary
MutableTreeNode Defines the requirements for a tree node object that can change -- by adding or removing child nodes, or by changing the contents of a user object stored in the node.
RowMapper Defines the requirements for an object that translates paths in the tree into display rows.
TreeCellEditor Adds to CellEditor the extensions necessary to configure an editor in a tree.
TreeCellRenderer Defines the requirements for an object that displays a tree node.
TreeModel The model used by JTree.
TreeNode Defines the requirements for an object that can be used as a tree node in a JTree.
TreeSelectionModel This interface represents the current state of the selection for the tree component.

Class Summary
AbstractLayoutCache Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases.
AbstractLayoutCache.NodeDimensions Used by AbstractLayoutCache to determine the size and x origin of a particular node.
DefaultMutableTreeNode A DefaultMutableTreeNode is a general-purpose node in a tree data structure.
DefaultTreeCellEditor A TreeCellEditor.
DefaultTreeCellRenderer Displays an entry in a tree.
DefaultTreeModel A simple tree data model that uses TreeNodes.
DefaultTreeSelectionModel Default implementation of TreeSelectionModel.
FixedHeightLayoutCache NOTE: This will become more open in a future release.
TreePath Represents a path to a node.
VariableHeightLayoutCache NOTE: This will become more open in a future release.

Exception Summary
ExpandVetoException Exception used to stop and expand/collapse from happening.

This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to
This page displays the Jadeite version of the documention, which is derived from the offical documentation that contains this copyright notice:
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Also see the documentation redistribution policy.
The official Sun™ documentation can be found here at