This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to

class MathContext

java.lang.Object extended by java.math.MathContext
All Implemented Interfaces:

Most common way to construct:

MathContext mc = new MathContext(40);

Based on 32 examples

public final class MathContext
extends Object
implements Serializable

Immutable objects which encapsulate the context settings which describe certain rules for numerical operators, such as those implemented by the {@link BigDecimal} class.

The base-independent settings are:

  1. {@code precision}: the number of digits to be used for an operation; results are rounded to this precision
  2. {@code roundingMode}: a {@link RoundingMode} object which specifies the algorithm to be used for rounding.

Field Summary
static MathContext DECIMAL128
          A object with a precision setting matching the IEEE 754R Decimal128 format, 34 digits, and a rounding mode of java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN, the IEEE 754R default.
static MathContext DECIMAL32
          A object with a precision setting matching the IEEE 754R Decimal32 format, 7 digits, and a rounding mode of java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN, the IEEE 754R default.
static MathContext DECIMAL64
          A object with a precision setting matching the IEEE 754R Decimal64 format, 16 digits, and a rounding mode of java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN, the IEEE 754R default.
static MathContext UNLIMITED
          A object whose settings have the values required for unlimited precision arithmetic.
Constructor Summary
MathContext(int setPrecision)

          Constructs a new with the specified precision and the java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_UP rounding mode.
MathContext(int setPrecision, RoundingMode setRoundingMode)

          Constructs a new with a specified precision and rounding mode.

          Constructs a new from a string.
Method Summary

          Compares this with the specified for equality.

          Returns the setting.

          Returns the roundingMode setting.

          Returns the hash code for this .

          Returns the string representation of this .
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final MathContext DECIMAL128
A {@code MathContext} object with a precision setting matching the IEEE 754R Decimal128 format, 34 digits, and a rounding mode of {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN HALF_EVEN}, the IEEE 754R default.


public static final MathContext DECIMAL32
A {@code MathContext} object with a precision setting matching the IEEE 754R Decimal32 format, 7 digits, and a rounding mode of {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN HALF_EVEN}, the IEEE 754R default.


public static final MathContext DECIMAL64
A {@code MathContext} object with a precision setting matching the IEEE 754R Decimal64 format, 16 digits, and a rounding mode of {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN HALF_EVEN}, the IEEE 754R default.


public static final MathContext UNLIMITED
A {@code MathContext} object whose settings have the values required for unlimited precision arithmetic. The values of the settings are: precision=0 roundingMode=HALF_UP
Constructor Detail


public MathContext(int setPrecision)
Constructs a new {@code MathContext} with the specified precision and the {@link RoundingMode#HALF_UP HALF_UP} rounding mode.

setPrecision - The non-negative {@code int} precision setting.


public MathContext(int setPrecision,
                   RoundingMode setRoundingMode)
Constructs a new {@code MathContext} with a specified precision and rounding mode.

setPrecision - The non-negative {@code int} precision setting.
setRoundingMode - The rounding mode to use.


public MathContext(String val)
Constructs a new {@code MathContext} from a string. The string must be in the same format as that produced by the {@link #toString} method.

An {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown if the precision section of the string is out of range ({@code < 0}) or the string is not in the format created by the {@link #toString} method.

val - The string to be parsed
Method Detail


public boolean equals(Object x)
Compares this {@code MathContext} with the specified {@code Object} for equality.

equals in class Object
x - {@code Object} to which this {@code MathContext} is to be compared.
{@code true} if and only if the specified {@code Object} is a {@code MathContext} object which has exactly the same settings as this object


public int getPrecision()
Returns the {@code precision} setting. This value is always non-negative.

an {@code int} which is the value of the {@code precision} setting


public RoundingMode getRoundingMode()
Returns the roundingMode setting. This will be one of {@link RoundingMode#CEILING}, {@link RoundingMode#DOWN}, {@link RoundingMode#FLOOR}, {@link RoundingMode#HALF_DOWN}, {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN}, {@link RoundingMode#HALF_UP}, {@link RoundingMode#UNNECESSARY}, or {@link RoundingMode#UP}.

a {@code RoundingMode} object which is the value of the {@code roundingMode} setting


public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code for this {@code MathContext}.

hashCode in class Object
hash code for this {@code MathContext}


public String toString()
Returns the string representation of this {@code MathContext}. The {@code String} returned represents the settings of the {@code MathContext} object as two space-delimited words (separated by a single space character, '\u0020', and with no leading or trailing white space), as follows:
  1. The string {@code "precision="}, immediately followed by the value of the precision setting as a numeric string as if generated by the {@link Integer#toString(int) Integer.toString} method.
  2. The string {@code "roundingMode="}, immediately followed by the value of the {@code roundingMode} setting as a word. This word will be the same as the name of the corresponding public constant in the {@link RoundingMode} enum.

For example:

 precision=9 roundingMode=HALF_UP
Additional words may be appended to the result of {@code toString} in the future if more properties are added to this class.

toString in class Object
a {@code String} representing the context settings

This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to
This page displays the Jadeite version of the documention, which is derived from the offical documentation that contains this copyright notice:
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Also see the documentation redistribution policy.
The official Sun™ documentation can be found here at