This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to

class GroupLayout.Group

Direct Known Subclasses:
GroupLayout.ParallelGroup, GroupLayout.SequentialGroup
Enclosing class:

public abstract class GroupLayout.Group
extends GroupLayout.Spring

{@code Group} provides the basis for the two types of operations supported by {@code GroupLayout}: laying out components one after another ({@link SequentialGroup SequentialGroup}) or aligned ({@link ParallelGroup ParallelGroup}). {@code Group} and its subclasses have no public constructor; to create one use one of {@code createSequentialGroup} or {@code createParallelGroup}. Additionally, taking a {@code Group} created from one {@code GroupLayout} and using it with another will produce undefined results.

Various methods in {@code Group} and its subclasses allow you to explicitly specify the range. The arguments to these methods can take two forms, either a value greater than or equal to 0, or one of {@code DEFAULT_SIZE} or {@code PREFERRED_SIZE}. A value greater than or equal to {@code 0} indicates a specific size. {@code DEFAULT_SIZE} indicates the corresponding size from the component should be used. For example, if {@code DEFAULT_SIZE} is passed as the minimum size argument, the minimum size is obtained from invoking {@code getMinimumSize} on the component. Likewise, {@code PREFERRED_SIZE} indicates the value from {@code getPreferredSize} should be used. The following example adds {@code myComponent} to {@code group} with specific values for the range. That is, the minimum is explicitly specified as 100, preferred as 200, and maximum as 300.

   group.addComponent(myComponent, 100, 200, 300);
The following example adds {@code myComponent} to {@code group} using a combination of the forms. The minimum size is forced to be the same as the preferred size, the preferred size is determined by using {@code myComponent.getPreferredSize} and the maximum is determined by invoking {@code getMaximumSize} on the component.
   group.addComponent(myComponent, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
             GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE);

Unless otherwise specified all the methods of {@code Group} and its subclasses that allow you to specify a range throw an {@code IllegalArgumentException} if passed an invalid range. An invalid range is one in which any of the values are < 0 and not one of {@code PREFERRED_SIZE} or {@code DEFAULT_SIZE}, or the following is not met (for specific values): {@code min} <= {@code pref} <= {@code max}.

Similarly any methods that take a {@code Component} throw a {@code NullPointerException} if passed {@code null} and any methods that take a {@code Group} throw an {@code IllegalArgumentException} if passed {@code null}.

Method Summary

          Adds a to this .
addComponent(Component component, int min, int pref, int max)

          Adds a to this with the specified size.
addGap(int size)

          Adds a rigid gap to this .
addGap(int min, int pref, int max)

          Adds a gap to this with the specified size.

          Adds a to this .

Method Detail


public GroupLayout.Group addComponent(Component component)
Adds a {@code Component} to this {@code Group}.

component - the {@code Component} to add
this {@code Group}


public GroupLayout.Group addComponent(Component component,
                                      int min,
                                      int pref,
                                      int max)
Adds a {@code Component} to this {@code Group} with the specified size.

component - the {@code Component} to add
min - the minimum size or one of {@code DEFAULT_SIZE} or {@code PREFERRED_SIZE}
pref - the preferred size or one of {@code DEFAULT_SIZE} or {@code PREFERRED_SIZE}
max - the maximum size or one of {@code DEFAULT_SIZE} or {@code PREFERRED_SIZE}
this {@code Group}


public GroupLayout.Group addGap(int size)
Adds a rigid gap to this {@code Group}.

size - the size of the gap
this {@code Group}


public GroupLayout.Group addGap(int min,
                                int pref,
                                int max)
Adds a gap to this {@code Group} with the specified size.

min - the minimum size of the gap
pref - the preferred size of the gap
max - the maximum size of the gap
this {@code Group}


public GroupLayout.Group addGroup(GroupLayout.Group group)
Adds a {@code Group} to this {@code Group}.

group - the {@code Group} to add
this {@code Group}

This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to
This page displays the Jadeite version of the documention, which is derived from the offical documentation that contains this copyright notice:
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Also see the documentation redistribution policy.
The official Sun™ documentation can be found here at