This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to

Package javax.mail.event

Listeners and events for the JavaMail API.


Interface Summary
ConnectionListener This is the Listener interface for Connection events.
FolderListener This is the Listener interface for Folder events.
MessageChangedListener This is the Listener interface for MessageChanged events
MessageCountListener This is the Listener interface for MessageCount events.
StoreListener This is the Listener interface for Store Notifications.
TransportListener This is the Listener interface for Transport events

Class Summary
ConnectionAdapter The adapter which receives connection events.
ConnectionEvent This class models Connection events.
FolderAdapter The adapter which receives Folder events.
FolderEvent This class models Folder existence events.
MailEvent Common base class for mail events, defining the dispatch method.
MessageChangedEvent This class models Message change events.
MessageCountAdapter The adapter which receives MessageCount events.
MessageCountEvent This class notifies changes in the number of messages in a folder.
StoreEvent This class models notifications from the Store connection.
TransportAdapter The adapter which receives Transport events.
TransportEvent This class models Transport events.

Package javax.mail.event Description

Listeners and events for the JavaMail API. This package defines listener classes and event classes used by the classes defined in the javax.mail package.

This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to
This page displays the Jadeite version of the documention. The official Sun™ documentation can be found here at