This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to

class Transport

javax.mail.Service extended by javax.mail.Transport
Direct Known Subclasses:

Most common ways to construct:

Session session = …;

Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp");

Based on 17 examples


Session mailSession = …;

Transport transport = mailSession.getTransport();

Based on 12 examples

public abstract class Transport
extends Service

An abstract class that models a message transport. Subclasses provide actual implementations.

Note that Transport extends the Service class, which provides many common methods for naming transports, connecting to transports, and listening to connection events.

See Also (auto-generated):




Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.mail.Service
debug, session, url
Constructor Summary
Transport(Session session, URLName urlname)

Method Summary

          Add a listener for Transport events.
protected void
notifyTransportListeners(int type, Address[] validSent, Address[] validUnsent, Address[] invalid, Message msg)

          Notify all TransportListeners.

          Remove a listener for Transport events.
static void

          Send a message.
static void
send(Message msg, Address[] addresses)

          Send the message to the specified addresses, ignoring any recipients specified in the message itself.
abstract void
sendMessage(Message msg, Address[] addresses)

          Send the Message to the specified list of addresses.
Methods inherited from class javax.mail.Service
addConnectionListener, close, connect, connect, connect, connect, finalize, getURLName, isConnected, notifyConnectionListeners, protocolConnect, queueEvent, removeConnectionListener, setConnected, setURLName, toString

Constructor Detail


public Transport(Session session,
                 URLName urlname)

session - Session object for this Transport.
urlname - URLName object to be used for this Transport
Method Detail


public synchronized void addTransportListener(TransportListener l)
Add a listener for Transport events.

The default implementation provided here adds this listener to an internal list of TransportListeners.

l - the Listener for Transport events


protected void notifyTransportListeners(int type,
                                        Address[] validSent,
                                        Address[] validUnsent,
                                        Address[] invalid,
                                        Message msg)
Notify all TransportListeners. Transport implementations are expected to use this method to broadcast TransportEvents.

The provided default implementation queues the event into an internal event queue. An event dispatcher thread dequeues events from the queue and dispatches them to the registered TransportListeners. Note that the event dispatching occurs in a separate thread, thus avoiding potential deadlock problems.



public synchronized void removeTransportListener(TransportListener l)
Remove a listener for Transport events.

The default implementation provided here removes this listener from the internal list of TransportListeners.

l - the listener


public static void send(Message msg)
                 throws MessagingException
Send a message. The message will be sent to all recipient addresses specified in the message (as returned from the Message method getAllRecipients), using message transports appropriate to each address. The send method calls the saveChanges method on the message before sending it.

If any of the recipient addresses is detected to be invalid by the Transport during message submission, a SendFailedException is thrown. Clients can get more detail about the failure by examining the exception. Whether or not the message is still sent succesfully to any valid addresses depends on the Transport implementation. See SendFailedException for more details. Note also that success does not imply that the message was delivered to the ultimate recipient, as failures may occur in later stages of delivery. Once a Transport accepts a message for delivery to a recipient, failures that occur later should be reported to the user via another mechanism, such as returning the undeliverable message.

Note that send is a static method that creates and manages its own connection. Any connection associated with any Transport instance used to invoke this method is ignored and not used. This method should only be invoked using the form Transport.send(msg);, and should never be invoked using an instance variable.

msg - the message to send


public static void send(Message msg,
                        Address[] addresses)
                 throws MessagingException
Send the message to the specified addresses, ignoring any recipients specified in the message itself. The send method calls the saveChanges method on the message before sending it.

msg - the message to send
addresses - the addresses to which to send the message


public abstract void sendMessage(Message msg,
                                 Address[] addresses)
                          throws MessagingException
Send the Message to the specified list of addresses. An appropriate TransportEvent indicating the delivery status is delivered to any TransportListener registered on this Transport. Also, if any of the addresses is invalid, a SendFailedException is thrown. Whether or not the message is still sent succesfully to any valid addresses depends on the Transport implementation.

Unlike the static send method, the sendMessage method does not call the saveChanges method on the message; the caller should do so.

msg - The Message to be sent
addresses - array of addresses to send this message to
MessagingException - if the connection is dead or not in the connected state

This documentation differs from the official API. Jadeite adds extra features to the API including: variable font sizes, constructions examples, placeholders for classes and methods, and auto-generated “See Also” links. Additionally it is missing some items found in standard Javadoc documentation, including: generics type information, “Deprecated” tags and comments, “See Also” links, along with other minor differences. Please send any questions or feedback to
This page displays the Jadeite version of the documention. The official Sun™ documentation can be found here at